Beaming Blog
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Navigating the complexities of life and relationships can be challenging, especially during difficult times, stressful workdays, and moments when you’re striving to manifest your true self. Whether you’re facing personal struggles, professional pressures, or simply seeking to improve your connections with others, having the right skills and strategies at your disposal is crucial.
Here at Beaming Hearts, we provide essential tips and actionable advice that anyone can reference to overcome obstacles, reduce stress, and embrace their authentic self. Our mission is to empower you with the knowledge and tools to thrive in every aspect of your life and relationships. Explore our posts, find inspiration, and join a community dedicated to personal growth and meaningful connections.
To build courage and conquer fear, one should determine what the fear is and how to create action to walk into the possible unknown. Take time to ponder fears and brainstorm actions encouraging you to follow through. It is best if this action plan is written to allow for more accountability and consistency. Be specific with details in your plan,
Loneliness is bound to kick in with the holiday season and changes the way we usually celebrate. Avoid the slippery slope of emotions that can negatively impact yourself and your holiday cheer. There are many ways to feel connected with others and to stimulate your mind to combat loneliness. I am writing this blog to help push the loneliness away and create pathways to fight it during this time.
Smart Money
The holiday season is here, which means shopping season is upon us! This year has been challenging for everyone for different reasons, and stress is at an all-time high. Today I will discuss some tips for holiday shopping that can reduce additional stress with proper planning, self-trust, and a focus on savings.
This blog is crafted to cultivate a sense of gratitude during the holidays and carry this habit into the upcoming year. Gratitude is the heartfelt experience of wonder, thankfulness, and appreciation for life. It has the transformative ability to heal, energize, and positively change our lives. It helps mend past wounds while fostering hope and inspiration for the future.
Many of us have dealt with failure, a part of life. Experiencing loss means that you had an experience that did not meet your desirable or intended objective, and there is a reason or a combination of reasons for the failure. Failure helps develop our character and prepares us for the future. Remember that these failures are clearing more room for other opportunities to grow and succeed.
Self Trust
Trust is vital to any relationship; it expresses reliability, truthfulness, ability, and strength. When someone trusts you or vice versa, they feel safe with each other. Feeling safe is crucial to building trust because it makes you feel secure, protected, and confident in your environment or well-being. So if trust with others means you feel safe with them, then self-trust means feeling safe with yourself. Many of us may say that we feel safe with ourselves. Still, we may struggle with staying in toxic or abusive relationships despite recognizing the harm they cause or ignoring personal boundaries and red flags, allowing others to violate us. If you are experiencing something like this, you are experiencing the effects of poor self-trust.
equality is an umbrella, and under it are many other actions that are needed to achieve the equality many of us seek. I investigate the world and see indifference, anger, and division. I believe there is a lack of progress because many of us are fighting on opposite sides of the spectrum and are unwilling to move towards the middle ground of fairness, tolerance, and understanding through education.
This week’s topic is procrastination and how it can cause your harmony to be off within yourself. We have many reasons for procrastinating, such as anxiety, fear, or not wanting to do a task. Regardless, people procrastinate, even when they know it hinders them. Eliminate the mindset of not wanting to do a job that needs to get done and replace it with a philosophy of valuing time and yourself.
I’ve been guilty of losing my patience in the past with people and life’s situations. I hope others can relate. Practicing patience is the first tool you can add to your tool belt to achieve goals and create harmony within your life. Patience is the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset. When feelings get heated, remember that you are the only one with authority over your actions. Our reactions can be unfavorable, belligerent, and impulsive when decisions are made in this state. These negative characteristics can put you under a lot of stress and affect relationships. Practicing patience helps create calmness and composure, making interactions pleasant and not nasty.
Anger is a strong feeling of annoyance, displeasure, or hostility ignited by the need to preserve personal worth, essential needs, and fundamental convictions. Anger comes when you need to communicate that your boundaries are violated. It can come out in various ways; two common areas are physical and verbal. Physical anger can be throwing, breaking, and hitting items or people. Verbal anger can be yelling, cussing, and using sarcasm. Unresolved anger over time can lead to aggression, which is intentional behavior that aims to harm or hurt another. Having erratic displays of anger and aggression can cause hurt and regrets. To combat the negative behaviors, we need to start at the root. Which often identifies reasons for annoyance, control, displeasure, or hostility. Anger is not all bad; it can help us in times of need, such as fighting for a cause, survival instincts, and injustice. I believe that how we release this anger determines the outcome of helping or hindering ourselves and others.
We have all experienced some form of stress. Stress occurs when an event or thought creates frustration, anger, or nervousness and can also be triggered by problems you care about that have not been resolved. Stress is the body's reaction to a challenge or a demand and can be helpful in dangerous situations, meeting daily challenges, and reaching goals. Stress is temporary once the fight or flight hormones dissipate, which should level out after a while. When stress becomes long-term, it has side effects such as
Time Management
Time management requires planning and exercising conscious control of your time when completing tasks. Practicing time management increases your effectiveness, efficiency, productivity, and self-trust. We have control of our schedules and create functionality that works for us to make harmony within.
The top mistake for poor time management is overlapping booking, a human error of poor planning, and I have done it myself.
A client recently reached out to gain some tips on overcoming fear, so I decided to write about this topic for this week’s blog. Most of us have experienced fear in our lives. People are fearful for many reasons: change, failure, loneliness, or something terrible happening. Fears are our subconscious, allowing our imagination to get lost in the thought forest, which stems from the unknown and walking into it. Fear may stop you from expressing yourself, which means not being yourself. When your true self cannot be shown, others don’t get the chance to know and appreciate the real you. Facing fears helps build courage, confidence, happiness, and fulfillment. To be able to overcome them, you should explore, identify, and admit the root of the fear. Gaining this awareness behind your reasons for being fearful can help create goals to overcome them.
Guilt & Shame
The sense of self-guilt and shame is our conscious, indicating that we are in pain or distress caused by failure, foolish behavior, or wrongdoing. Guilt can be caused by doing wrong, whereas shame impacts our self-perception. Please keep in mind that both work together. It is human to make mistakes and have shortcomings, and these shortcomings can help us gain wisdom when the mindset is moving to the next step of creating action from what we learned.
When shame and guilt are avoided, it can have adverse side effects such as blame and anger, which can enable the behavior from being resolved. This anger and blame can be internalized, making our minds sick.
To strengthen our harmony, we should be mindful of the ability to control emotions and desires, especially in difficult situations; this is the essence of self-control. Having a strong sense of self-control is setting boundaries with yourself. Self-control enables us to achieve goals, evaluate alternative actions, and not give in to destructive impulses that allow us to stay within our limits to reach fulfillment. These three simple tips will help you gain control of yourself.
Self Love and Worth
Striving for balance in life is reinforced by the self-love and worth we show ourselves, which is the topic I will be discussing this week. Showing appreciation and compassion for ourselves allows us to create the balance needed within our lives. At times we look for appreciation from others or even show appreciation to others; in doing this, we miss appreciating ourselves. Acknowledging ourselves gives us a chance to take time out to examine our achievements and create awareness of our goals.
Clients ask me, “When life gets busy, how am I supposed to preserve my inner peace?” My answer to them is balance! Many of us get distracted by meeting the needs of others that depend on us, and we forget or put off giving ourselves an equal share of meeting our own needs. This equal share we take for ourselves strengthens the harmony within us to be able to share the best we have to offer to the world. Therefore, creating a balance in life is essential to keep inner peace intact. Below are a few tips you can start doing today to help create harmony within your life that can lead to your tranquility.
Greetings, welcome to Beaming Hearts Blog!
The Beaming Hearts Blog is where I’ll give tips to help navigate a life that leads to what matters most to you. I hope this blog can inspire you to want to find happiness in every aspect of life, and the information offered helps you reflect on creating stillness within your own life. Watch a new blog with information regarding life and spiritual enlightenment every week.