Greetings, welcome to Beaming Hearts Blog!
I am Reverend Shaylina Rizo, the creator of Beaming Hearts. I am thankful that you have visited the website and honestly believe you found it for a reason. Beaming Hearts wants to redefine souls and relationships one beam at a time. We believe that every person has a beam of light inside of them that consists of a person’s happiness, fulfillment, purpose, and soul. Having a purpose in life leads to more satisfaction and leaving a legacy that can be shared with generations. I am thrilled to start helping individuals develop their beam of light, as well as helping establish a strong foundation for relationships of all kinds.
The Beaming Hearts Blog is where I’ll give tips to help navigate a life that leads to what matters most to you. I hope this blog can inspire you to want to find happiness in every aspect of life, and the information offered helps you reflect on creating stillness within your own life. Watch a new blog with information regarding life and spiritual enlightenment every week.
Please explore the rest of the website, where you will find out more about myself and my services. If you want to connect, please fill out the form at the bottom of every page.
Many blessings, and remember, you are a miracle!