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Navigating the complexities of life and relationships can be challenging, especially during difficult times, stressful workdays, and moments when you’re striving to manifest your true self. Whether you’re facing personal struggles, professional pressures, or simply seeking to improve your connections with others, having the right skills and strategies at your disposal is crucial.
Here at Beaming Hearts, we provide essential tips and actionable advice that anyone can reference to overcome obstacles, reduce stress, and embrace their authentic self. Our mission is to empower you with the knowledge and tools to thrive in every aspect of your life and relationships. Explore our posts, find inspiration, and join a community dedicated to personal growth and meaningful connections.
Passive Aggression
Passive aggression is the indirect expression of hostility or negative feelings. It is often characterized by subtle, covert, or nonverbal behaviors rather than confronting the situation. Unlike aggression, which involves overtly confrontational or forceful actions, passive-aggressive individuals may appear compliant or agreeable on the surface while harboring underlying resentment or resistance. They communicate their anger in a veiled but still destructive manner. Like open aggression, passive aggression involves asserting personal worth, needs, and beliefs at the expense of others, but it is done more quietly and with less personal vulnerability.
Throughout our journey in life, we may encounter times when our thought patterns start evolving and transforming. While experiencing such a shift occasionally can be productive, if it occurs too frequently, it can create a sense of bewilderment and skepticism within us. When it becomes this frequent, we begin to take on the characteristic of Inconsistency.
Motivation is like the fuel that powers our daily lives. It drives us to set meaningful goals and work towards achieving them. But the benefits of motivation go far beyond just accomplishing tasks. It helps us build resilience and empowers us to face obstacles with determination.
Expectations are our envisioned hopes and anticipations for how life will unfold, spanning various aspects such as work, relationships, and the overall course of our lives. Expectations are the silent architects of our experiences, shaping how we perceive and anticipate events unfolding. They significantly influence the formation of our goals and our direction in life, providing a framework for envisioning our future. They hold a remarkable power when we consciously recognize, ground in reason, and openly communicate our expectations.
In a dysfunctional family environment, codependency takes root, often unnoticed, as fear, anger, and shame remain unaddressed. Within this dynamic, family members learn to repress their emotions and disregard their own needs, prioritizing the well-being of others instead. These learned behaviors can echo into adulthood, manifesting as a tendency towards one-sided relationships with family, friends, or romantic partners, a belief in others' incapacity for self-care, and a willingness to compromise one's values to evade rejection and anger.
Many have dealt with rejection in opportunities, with loved ones, and with strangers. This makes us dislike it because someone is dismissing, excluding, or refusing us, and we want to belong and connect with others, which makes rejection sting a bit. Handling rejection requires an immediate attitude adjustment, and fearing rejection can hold you back from taking risks and reaching for big goals. Fortunately, it is possible to work through rejection. Here are some tips to get you started with dealing with rejection.
Resiliency is our ability to recover or bounce back from a setback to keep growing to achieve our full potential. When we practice our resilience, we become more emotionally aware, curious, and socially competent and develop a good sense of stability and healthy habits of balance, integrity, and moral strength. Being resilient, we also become flexible to changes and learn to remain calm and rational under pressure to achieve meaning, purpose, and encouragement in life. You have resilience within you, so here are some tips on cultivating it.
Saying “No”
Saying No is one of the most difficult words for some of us to say as adults. My clients admitted that they have said yes to things when they wanted to say no. When asked why they said yes rather than no, the most common answers were that it was easier to cooperate, they didn't want to hurt others' feelings, they wanted to be accepted, or they didn't know how to stand up for themselves. I advise them to let go of the expectation of being able to do everything, help everyone, or be liked by all and replace it with self-compassion and value. Saying “No” is the first step to creating space in your life to rest, recharge, and redesign to build a fulfilling and meaningful life on our terms. Saying “No” gives us power over ourselves, and we need to exercise this power by replacing our perception of the word “No.”
Self-Confidence is vital in every aspect of our lives, yet many struggles to find it. Self-confidence is meant to be cultivated throughout our lives. Over that time, judgments of ourselves tend to lean more towards the negative than the positive. Sometimes, our life experiences leave us with beliefs that we are not good enough. To let go of personal inadequacy, we must develop trust in our judgment and abilities. Ultimately, self-confidence is your opinion of yourself, and if our opinion of ourselves is positive, we're better prepared for the ups and downs in life. For this reason, you must understand your power, value, and worth and trust your judgment while still acknowledging failures and mistakes and learning from them.
Suffering from self-doubt means a lack of belief in yourself or your abilities. Doubting yourself can lead to unwanted effects such as poor trust, anxiety, procrastination, difficulty making decisions, and loss of motivation. We all experience a lack of confidence from time to time, and this is okay! Our brain's job is to think all day; sometimes, it works overtime when it doesn't need to. I want to assure you it is normal to have exaggerated or untrue thoughts, and I encourage you to question your thoughts, especially unhealthy ones. The goal of combating self-doubt is to avoid being overcome with doubt and examine if these internal thoughts are valid.
One essential thing to success is learning to set and keep boundaries that benefit you, your well-being, and others around you. A common interpretation of the word boundaries is that walls are going up to make it difficult to cross. Boundaries are not meant to be walls that shut people out; they are intended to help you prioritize your life by having perspective on your priorities, which makes it easier to focus and act on the most critical things in your life. Boundaries allow for opportunities to practice prioritizing what you need in your life. They help us be clear about what is acceptable and what isn't for us, which is why
At any age, we are expected to be responsible for something or someone in life. To be accountable for something or someone is to have it within your control and management. When given this opportunity or ability to act independently and make decisions without authorization, it’s imperative to make the best decisions to help you reach success rather than failure. I want you to understand that looking past your failures and successes and avoiding responsibility can diminish your value and love for yourself.
We may have experienced some form of manipulation in our lives from a pushy salesperson or a loved one whose belief is that you are obligated to do something because you can. Being able to spot when we are being manipulated is the first step to not getting taken advantage of and putting yourself in confrontations you didn't want to engage in in the beginning
I recently heard a quote from Theodore Roosevelt: "Comparison is the thief of joy.”. I began to ponder this quote and realized that it has much truth to it. Focusing on others rather than our being makes it difficult to experience joy within because it blinds us from all the good in our lives. Comparisons leave behind expectations, opinions, and judgments of our being that may not be realistic for our overall well-being.
What is the value of life?” Many of us want to say we value ourselves but then will not take the proper care of our own emotional, mental, or physical being by settling for careers, relationships, and habits that devalue our being. Therefore, it is essential for an individual to determine their definitions of value and worth. Remember that it is not only defining value on human life; it’s acting on that value by making decisions that support that worth. I want to inform those who do not know that economists put a value on human life and value us at an average of ten million dollars per person’s lifetime.
Have you ever made excuses for someone who doesn't treat you right? We all have experiences struggling to acknowledge toxic dynamics. We'll explore how we all might deceive ourselves into believing a situation will improve and the importance of facing uncomfortable truths for our well-being. Join me as we delve into the complexities of self-deception.
Personal Empowerment
Personal empowerment is a topic that I can relate to the most. My main goal with Beaming Hearts is to empower individuals to shine their beaming hearts! I know it is a process to gain confidence and strength to control one’s life and rights. Personal empowerment allows you to be in control to design the life you want to live by creating awareness to set boundaries, standards, and values for yourself. Personal Empowerment has nothing to do with others; it’s your intention turned into action to live an authentic and significant life to you. How do you start living with purpose? Let’s start with some self-awareness.
I recently had conversations about lying and experienced that people have different interpretations of lying. One interpretation is that children only do lying; when you stop lying, you become an adult. Another variation was that lying is wrong unless necessary. I thought about both interpretations and concluded that lying doesn’t distinguish a person from a child or adult. It is a characteristic and action that either children or adults choose to do. People lie for various reasons. Even I have been guilty in the past of lying to protect myself or others, which leads me to believe that lying can be good, which justifies the second interpretation. From what I have learned, lying does not help anyone, especially the liar who is left feeling doubtful and ingenuine.
Many of us have experienced envy at one point in life. Envy is between two people when one person wants what the other has. Envy is often confused with jealousy, but they are very different. Jealousy is the threat of losing something you already possess, and envy is the reaction to something you lack. If you suffer from envy, it is time to consider how envy affects you