“It is in the character of very few men to honor without envy a friend who has prospered.”
Hello Friends,
With the 2020 year behind us and the side effects it left behind, it can be difficult to avoid being envious of others’ situations. Many of us have experienced envy at one point in life. Envy is between two people when one person wants what the other has. Envy is often confused with jealousy, but they are very different. Jealousy is the threat of losing something you already possess, and envy is the reaction to something you lack. If you suffer from envy, it is time to consider how envy affects you. It can be in various ways, such as taking up your time by consuming your thoughts, ruining your relationships, or creating a negative attitude or mindset within you. Also, think about what is causing it. Ask yourself questions to identify the cause of envy, and the tips below can be used to combat the envy within.
Define Success
The first way to combat envy is to define success. Success is defined differently by all, and many of us are guilty of having simple ideas of success. Success is achieving or accomplishing a task; to be successful is to reach your goals and visions. The key is to find where you want to be prosperous and put your focus there. I want to remind you that everybody is in different stages of life and everyone's path is different. Keeping this in mind lessens the need to compare yourself to others, dramatically decreasing the feelings of envy in your life.
No Comparing
My secret to success is not comparing myself to anyone other than myself. Comparing yourself to others creates misery and a mindset of constantly noticing who has more than you. These observations hyperfocus on the other person's success, not your own. As well as creates a magnifying glass onto your shortcomings. The best way to stop the comparison is to stop judging yourself. Judging yourself stems from feelings of personal inadequacy. Determine the source, reason, and why you feel inadequate and take accountability for these feelings. An excellent way to do this is to write about them. Doing this will allow for expressing emotions and a better understanding to create a way to deal with them. Let go of the harsh personal judgments and watch the need to compare yourself to others decrease.
Turn envy into something positive
The first way to turn envy into something positive is to appreciate what you already have. Take time to think about how you have grown and what you have accomplished, and appreciate what you have accomplished. Taking this time allows for developing your happiness and appreciation for others' success. It is essential to take time out every day to appreciate yourself. I take time daily to enjoy myself by patting myself on the back and singing when I have accomplished something. These small gestures boost my morale. Another way to turn envy into a positive is to turn what you envy into a goal for yourself, providing a good motivation for reaching these goals. Focusing on positivity will enable you to stop dwelling on what you do not have and create empowerment for what you can work towards. It is a test to stay positive but more draining to be negative.
It is essential to develop your definition of success, compare yourself to others by not judging yourself too harshly and become more positive by appreciating what you already have and can do to let go of envy. The focus is to determine what you can change and let go of what you cannot. Every day brings about new opportunities and chances to have everything you desire.
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